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My favourites animals!

Themed post:After serious deliberation we are going for your favourite animal.
Explain its main characteristics, how you knew about it and why you like it so much.Would you like to work helping them? Why? Leave a comment on 2 of their classmates' posts.- Number of words: 250 - 300

For me is very difficult write about my favourite animal, because I like many animals. If you ask me for my favourites animals, I can answer, but for only one... I believe that all animals have great qualities. One of my favorite animal is the duck. As a child I liked it, because it can walk on land, fly and swim. It's great! The ducks are wild animals, but can also be pets. Many families have ducks on the farm. Some are pets, others will be food. Another very good feature of the ducks is that they are really, really screaming. Warn when there are strangers. We can say that the ducks are like an alarm.

Another of my favourites animals is the dog. In my family everyone loves dogs. My grandparents, my uncles, my cousins, they all have dogs! They are good company, we can play with them and laugh a lot! I believe that dogs are fantastic. The dogs glad to all!

Also, I love snakes. I like its sound, its green color, its scales and above all, I love its prudence. They are very cute. There are snakes, small, medium and large! Some snakes are very quick. Unfortunately, in Chile there is little the information about this animals. The snakes are exotics animals and they are only in some zoos.

Finally, the animal that I really love the frog! I love frogs because I read many histories of frogs when I was a child!. I like them because they are small, because they live in water and because they do not harm anyone. Only eat flies (and I hate the flies). To be honest, I don't know how I can help the frogs.

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Miss dijo...

For me is very difficult write about my favourite animal, because I like many animals. If you ask me for my WF favorites animals, I can answer, but for only one... I believe that all animals have great qualities. One of my favorite WF animal is the duck. As a child I liked it, because it can walk on land, fly and swim. It's great! The ducks are wild animals, but can also be pets. Many families have ducks on the farm. Some are pets, others will be food. Another very good feature of the ducks is that they are really, really WW screaming. Warn when there are strangers. We can say that the ducks are like an alarm.

Another of my WF favorites animals is the dog. In my family everyone loves dogs. My grandparents, my uncles, my cousins, they all have dogs! They are good company, we can play with them and laugh a lot! I believe that dogs are fantastic. The dogs WW glad to all!

Also, I love snakes. I like its sound, its green color, its scales and above all, I love its prudence. They are very cute. There are snakes, small, medium and large! Some snakes are very quick. Unfortunately, in Chile there is little the information about WF this animals. The snakes are exotics animals and they are only in some zoos.

Finally, the animal that I really love ^ the frog! I love frogs because I read many histories of frogs when I was a child!. I like them because they are small, because they live in water and because they do not harm anyone. Only eat flies (and I hate the flies). To be honest, I don't know how I can help the frogs

Very good!

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