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Death Penalty

My dear friends,
this time you have to write about one of the controversial topics we were discussing in class: Death Penalty
You need to state your opinion about this topic and give arguments for your position. How do you feel about this punishment? What happens with the countries that have it?, etc. 200-250 words

To be honest, for me the death penalty is a very difficult topic. I think that the humans are equal. All the people are important, so, I can't say who can live or death.
The death penalty is a practice of some countries for the murderers, or for people really, but REALLY bad.
The prisions are expensives. The state spends a lot of money to keep the criminals alive. In our country, Chile, the government spends more money for prisions than the education.
I think that the death penalty is not fair, because nobody can decide about the life of another person.
To be more precise, like the prisions are a foolish spending, but we can't murder someone (independent of what has made such a person) so, for me the solution is the work force for all the prisoners, so they can finance the cost of having to live in prison without producing a cost.
Moreover, it often has been given death penalty to innocent people. Is it always fair? and if he was not guilty? I believe that when in doubt it is better not kill anyone. How I can decide about the life of another person?. There are many variables and me, personally, do not think there is really appropriate

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Miss dijo...

To be honest, for me the death penalty is a very difficult topic. I think that the humans are equal. All the people are important, so, I can't say who can live or death.
The death penalty is a practice of some countries for the murderers, or for people really, but REALLY bad.
The prisions are WF expensives. The state spends a lot of money to keep the criminals alive. In our country, Chile, the government spends more money for prisions than the education.
I think that the death penalty is not fair, because nobody can decide about the life of another person.
To be more precise, like the prisions are a foolish spending, but we can't murder someone (independent of what has made such a person) so, for me the solution is the work force for all the prisoners, so they can finance the cost of having to live in prison without producing a cost.
Moreover, it often has been given death penalty to innocent people. Is it always fair? and if he was not guilty? I believe that when in doubt it is better not kill anyone. How I can decide about the life of another person?. There are many variables and me, personally, do not think there is really appropriate

very good, now I think you should place some arguments in different order..i'll explain in class

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