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My experience learning english at the university

I will to write about my experience learning english at the university. To start this essay, I can say that this year the english course pilot was very useful for me. I start the university at 2008 and my first semester was very difficult for me. I had 8 courses, one of them was the beginner english course. It was the first time in four years that I studied english, because in high school I studied french from 2004 at 2007 and in this time I did not study any English. Personally, I feel that was very good to know this language, because in college many texts are in English and is necessary to understand.

My experience learning english at the university is very great. My first and second english's class (in first year) were with one of my best friends, Vivi. It's was very interesting because we did together the activities and we helped us to study. In my second year, I did not learn English. Only studied the language because I had to read documents for the subjects of others classes.

This year, my third year at university, again with one of my best friends, Ivi, we decided to take the last English course that we can choose the Univesidad: English pilot. The course was once time for week at lunchtime (all the Tuesday). I had classes on Tuesdays from 9 am to 4pm. It was very stressful at times, because I had no time to eat (I prefer lunch at the casino of Agronomy, because the food is better there than in our faculty, and as far away, I could not go there on Tuesdays)

This is the last session of my English blog. I think it was a good idea to get used to write in another language that is not mine. I know that I learned with this course and I know that I will to use the knowledges in my life now and after the university. I hope to keep the things I learned here, in order to apply later.

I love languages, I think it's great to communicate with all people. Someday, when I will have money and time, I will study many languages.




Write about important challenges your discipline is currently facing, connected to each of the following areas:- Technology- Social Matters- Education- Define the challenges- Say how you think they should be resolved in each case- Mention the critical issues involved in each area-
Word Count: 350- Leave comments on 2 of your classmates’ posts ...

My discipline is the Veterinary Medecine. I really think that is a very interesting area because is a bigger area. We need a lot of knowledges for do our job. Therefore, we must integrate many knowledges for have a complete discipline. Thus, in the next areas: technology, social matters and education, we have opinion like the Veterinay of future.

- Technology: This is a very important area, because the news technologies are very useful for our work. For example, we can take radiographs and thus make proper diagnosis. It's more easy and complete.
Furthermore, with the help of professionals from other areas (such as engineers, doctors or technicians) we can create solutions to many problems of human and animal health (for example, organ transplantation research)

- Social matters. Here is very important our role. We have a lot of areas to work. We must teach to the pet owners at maintain the good animals's health. If the people so this, we would have less disease. Many of the diseases of humans, are caused by zoonoses, so , if we if we teach animal care, public health will be better and this is good for all us: people and animals!

- Education: In this case, I think that we haven't a good education about the animals health and care, and we like the veterinaries of future can do a lot of things. In my opinion, the education about animals, in our country is only in the TV shows. There are two tv shows in Chile about animals ("La Ley de la Selva" and "Annimales"), and it is here where they teach about animals.

I think in our country, Chile, we need a lot of culture in the veterinary medical area. Missing value more our profession and that must begin with ourselves. We can be a leader in many things, but this is only possible if we are sure we can do our job.


Wildlife conservation in Asia

SUMMARY FROM A CAREER-RELATED ARTICLE FROM THE GUARDIAN Go to: http://www.guardian.co.uk/> Select a news item connected to your area of studies / future career.> Write a summary of it.> Provide the link to your piece of news.> Ask students to leave a comment on 2 of their partners' posts.> 200 - 250 word ...

This time, I wiil write a summary of a Guardian's article. I choose an environmental theme: Asian wild ass conservation points to brighter future for Tibetan plateau wildlife. This article was write for Jonathan Watts. he writes about a recent trip to Asia, where he saw some animals known in this place as Kiang. He approached them and took some pictures. Watts was so tired for do another thing. While in Beijing, sought information and discovered that this is one of the few who has succeeded in conserving species. There are, more or less, 2000000 kiangs.

In his fourth day of travel, he saw many animals. Asia is a place rich in wildlife. Fortunately, this wildlife is recovering. He saw black-necked cranes , eagles, a fox and a range of other bird and plant life. Since 2000, the Three River Source area is nature reserve and the Beijing government confiscates the weapons of the hunters.

The communities of Tibet have also been organized. They have protected the chiru (Tibetan antelope) and through participation this species has increased in many individuals. The Dalai Lama made a statement in 2006 about the importance of wildlife. The people responded by burning clothing of animal skins. Watts met a Tibetan man who told him that burned animal skin clothes (only the low-value). Also, he said he can not be used in public clothing, hats or bags of animal origin, because people hit you.

Furthermore, it is trying to displace the predators for the fauna is not impaired, and may even increase, but some people complain because wildlife competes with livestock for pasture.

Finally, Watts concludes that there are many problems today between human development (such as mining, road building, climate change) and the conservation of wildlife. The problem is finding a balance between the Chinese government's policies and teachings of the Dalai Lama.





Write about our faculty is very interesting. I think that we are so lucky for stydy here. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of University of Chile is the BEST school in our country. We have a lot of places with pasture, threes and vegetations. Also, we have a swimming pool, a court for sports and a martial arts room's.

However, we have problems too. This faculty is far, far away of the city. Also, we are in La Pintana town. This is a poor place, there are a lot of delinquency. One time ago, in the bus a big man try to hold up me. It was horrible! Happily, he couldn't to steal me, because a woman helped me.

But, definitely the worst of the faculty is the food. There are 2 little shops and one "restaurant". The food in the restaurant is so bad. The workers are listless, and the food is expensive. Unfortunately, as is the only place nearby, we should eat there. The other options are to bring food from home or walk to Antumapu to buy there. We are so far away of the city, so we can't go to a shop center to eat or some like this.

I would like the faculty had more books in the library. We have a few of books in some item, so we can have for only one day the books. It's a reaaly short time.

Hopefully the new leadership of our faculty to improve the bad things and keep the good stuff.


My favourites animals!

Themed post:After serious deliberation we are going for your favourite animal.
Explain its main characteristics, how you knew about it and why you like it so much.Would you like to work helping them? Why? Leave a comment on 2 of their classmates' posts.- Number of words: 250 - 300

For me is very difficult write about my favourite animal, because I like many animals. If you ask me for my favourites animals, I can answer, but for only one... I believe that all animals have great qualities. One of my favorite animal is the duck. As a child I liked it, because it can walk on land, fly and swim. It's great! The ducks are wild animals, but can also be pets. Many families have ducks on the farm. Some are pets, others will be food. Another very good feature of the ducks is that they are really, really screaming. Warn when there are strangers. We can say that the ducks are like an alarm.

Another of my favourites animals is the dog. In my family everyone loves dogs. My grandparents, my uncles, my cousins, they all have dogs! They are good company, we can play with them and laugh a lot! I believe that dogs are fantastic. The dogs glad to all!

Also, I love snakes. I like its sound, its green color, its scales and above all, I love its prudence. They are very cute. There are snakes, small, medium and large! Some snakes are very quick. Unfortunately, in Chile there is little the information about this animals. The snakes are exotics animals and they are only in some zoos.

Finally, the animal that I really love the frog! I love frogs because I read many histories of frogs when I was a child!. I like them because they are small, because they live in water and because they do not harm anyone. Only eat flies (and I hate the flies). To be honest, I don't know how I can help the frogs.



What to do and where to go in Santiago.- What places should a foreigner tourist visit in Stgo?- What things should a foreigner tourist do?- Make a list of top 5 places/activities, describing them, giving suggestions and explaining the reasons for your choice.- Leave a comment on 2 of your classmates' posts.Number of words: 250

I think that Santiago is a great place. For me, the best thing of Santiago is present in all our country: the Andes Mountains (Cordillera de los Andes). It's so important beacause is a benchmark in Chile. We know that it indicates the cardinal point East. Further, the Andres Mountains are a sky center. There are a lot of snow in winter, people around the world come to play sports here.

Then, in Santiago there are many places to visit. For example, San Francisco Crurch in te center of the city. It's one of the oldest churches in Santiago, so it's a museum with more history. There are antique furniture, antique clothing, paintings, colonial architecture and many other things.

Other place for visit in Santiago is the San Cristobal hill. It's a hill in the center of Santiago too (20 minuts of San Francisco Crurch). This is a very funny place because there are here railways, so we can see all the city from here! It's great! Also, there are many trees, parks, trails, playgrounds, even a zoo. It's fantastic!

Maybe, is you want know popular places, it is advisable to go to the Paseo Ahumada, Forest Park, Central Market (there are many restaurants with typical Chilean food, food with seafood, among many others.

Another option is to visit places close to Santiago, as Chimbarongo (where you can find wicker things such as furniture, toys and home decor) or Pomaire, (there sell things made from clay, made by local craftsmen)


Death Penalty

My dear friends,
this time you have to write about one of the controversial topics we were discussing in class: Death Penalty
You need to state your opinion about this topic and give arguments for your position. How do you feel about this punishment? What happens with the countries that have it?, etc. 200-250 words

To be honest, for me the death penalty is a very difficult topic. I think that the humans are equal. All the people are important, so, I can't say who can live or death.
The death penalty is a practice of some countries for the murderers, or for people really, but REALLY bad.
The prisions are expensives. The state spends a lot of money to keep the criminals alive. In our country, Chile, the government spends more money for prisions than the education.
I think that the death penalty is not fair, because nobody can decide about the life of another person.
To be more precise, like the prisions are a foolish spending, but we can't murder someone (independent of what has made such a person) so, for me the solution is the work force for all the prisoners, so they can finance the cost of having to live in prison without producing a cost.
Moreover, it often has been given death penalty to innocent people. Is it always fair? and if he was not guilty? I believe that when in doubt it is better not kill anyone. How I can decide about the life of another person?. There are many variables and me, personally, do not think there is really appropriate